The $1B Sales Leadership Methodology

This free training will unpack BIPSY, the leadership system I used to build multiple $100MM+ ARR Orgs and to train thousands of sales reps

Reduce Your Team Turnover
Stop Missing Your $$ Targets
Get Promoted Faster
Reduce Your Stress

2X Your Team's Performance in 120 Days

This membership was made for sales leaders that want to regain control of their team, income and confidence. The reality is that sales leadership is hard and you likely haven't been taught how to do it properly. This membership is where that happens.

Sales Leadership is hard

Does this sound like your world?

  • Thrown into "leadership" with no structure, training or support

  • Dealing with constant highs and lows with no predictability

  • Constantly stressed because leadership is in your face all the time

  • Missing targets and dealing with a stressed out team

  • Overworked and losing time with family and friends

  • Or EVEN WORSE - You’re leading leaders, with no training or systems

Learn more about the Sales Leadership Accelerator

If you're here - it's probably because you are unhappy with your day-to-day and want to get better.

Keep reading if any of this sounds like your world:

  • You've hit a plateau and you're burning out
  • You don't know how to motivate or inspire your reps to hit their numbers and feel fulfilled
  • Your leadership team is "on your case" and it's creating anxiety
  • You're putting in the "hours/grind" but aren't seeing the results you KNOW you can get to
  • You spend your evenings and weekends working and are losing time with family and friends
  • Your team's $$$ attainment is a rollercoaster and unpredictable

Watch this free training if you want to learn more about the same systems I used to

build multiple $100MM+ ARR orgs.

Thousands of managers have used this system to train their reps and regain control of their career.

The training is 44 minutes long and it's 100% free.

If you can't put that time into yourself for free then stop scrolling - this page isn't for you.

Get Your Membership

The SLA Membership

Unlock Your Leadership Potential

Get Promoted Faster

Not only will you get more of your time back - you'll be able to perform at the highest level. This will get you promoted and advance your career
in even less time.

No More Stress

You need systems and processes that actually work. This program has the learnings behind 10 Years of sales leadership experience
all in 1 place.

Lead Better

Identify how to LEAD your teams instead of managing them.  Learn how to create intentionality with your team instead of
running through the motions.

Predictable Revenue

Systems = predictability. Stop losing to volatile performance and unknown gaps. Get the right systems down and start controlling your (and your team's!) income stream.

Here's what others have to say about SLA

Excellent course.  One of the best one's I've ever attend.  This is a must take for any sales leader.  KD has so much wealth to share

Jamie Hicks

SaaS Sales Leader

KD was simply amazing!  The content AND the delivery were top notch.

Thomas P Brennan

Director Of Sales

Great content that is tactical and very applicable to any sales organization - and I really appreciated KD sharing his many templates which not only help reinforce what he was sharing, but will definitely enable attendees to 'hit the ground' running and make an immediate impact.  And KD's sessions were extremely engaging and fun - highly recommend!

Tracy Chmelauskas

Head of Revenue Operations

KD is always awesome, but this course was especially great. It helped affirm the right motions and behaviors for me as a VP, and and put into perspective things I knew but didn't have a clear way to build and execute. I highly recommend this course!!

Out of all the training, courses, and coaches I've done in my career, nothing even comes close to the return on investment.

I took actionable steps to not only achieve 117% of goal, but get promoted into second-line management.

I now oversee a team of 34 people and frequently refer to my FLM lessons with the four managers I lead.

More importantly, 3 people on my team of 8 moved into frontline manager roles in 2021 and were able to nail their interviews [and first 120 days on the job] using FLM best practices.

I highly recommend it. It really helped me understand the right way to be a leader and I've seen more confidence in leading my team.

My team has definitely benefited from my new 1:1 structure. The hiring class was enlightening to make sure I was really asking the right questions within interviews.

KD is an engaging teacher and classes were fun to attend! I also made lifelong connections in my cohort class that have been an amazing sounding board even after classes were over.

Hard to say what was my biggest take away from Kevin's course, there was a lot. I think the biggest compliment I can give is that Kevin provides a ton of actionable things throughout the course. In my experience many similar courses give the "textbook" solution where as KD comes with real world experience on how to improve yourself and your team.

KD's SLA was the key to me building a foundational framework that i still use today after taking this course over 6 months ago. Using metrics to diagnose issues and how to create achievable plans that the AE owns has been a stable of my style. Overall I came out of the course way more confident and prepared in my role and have found continued success with my reps since I'd do it again as a refresher

What Powers the SLA?

The framework is simple:


BIPSY has changed the leadership trojectory for thousands of reps at some of the biggest companies in the word. It's the leadership framework I lean on when fixing metrics that drive new results.

You'll learn what it is and how to use it when you watch the free training.

B = Behavior
I =Individual
P = Process
S = Systems
Y = You


Drop down and get your WGLL on.

No, it's not a dance move. But you'll be dancing when you see the benefits of using it.

WGLL = What Good Looks Like.

The training shows you the importance of leveraging WGLL and studying greatness to unlock the best in your systems.

Scale good behavior.


The D4 methodology is what brings WGLL to life. You will learn what D4 is and how to use it for your own teams.

D - Define
D - Document
D - Demonstrate
D - Deliberate Practice

Watch the free training to get more context on HOW you can use these to get the most out of your teams.

Membership Overview

The SLA Membership is built on the following 5 areas of Sales Leadership. Master these areas and you’ll be getting promoted and earning more money in no time. THIS is the key behind being the leader your team needs you to be.

Start seeing results in 90 days:

No fluff. This program gives you all the strategies, tactics and templates that you need to get results ASAP.

  • Get Promoted Faster than your peer group

  • Hit Your #s and Beat Your Forecast (no more guessing) so you can earn more $$$

  • Motivate & Inspire your team so they hit their #s and stay with you

  • Regain Control, Time and Your Weekends so you can live better

On-Demand Modules available today.

We add more modules as learnings/topics arise. Stay on top of industry trends and tactics every  month.

  • The BIPSY Leadership Methodology
    Master innovative leadership techniques tailored for today's dynamic business environment.
  • 1-on-1 Frameworks and Templates
    Personalized guidance to refine your leadership style and impact so you can get the most out of your 1:1s
  • Onboarding Excellence
    Strategies for integrating new hires into your team seamlessly and effectively.
  • Recruitment Mastery
    Enhanced interviewing and recruiting methods to attract top talent.
  • Cultural Transformation
    Create a motivating workplace culture that drives performance and accountability.
  • Advanced Accountability
    Navigate tough conversations and enforce accountability with confidence.
  • Metric-Based Leadership
    Utilize key metrics to drive decision-making and leadership effectiveness.
  • Problem Solving
    Diagnose issues accurately for more effective management and resolution.
  • Strategic Influence
    Techniques for managing up and across to align and inspire your organization.
  • Goal Achievement
    Set and achieve ambitious goals through strategic planning and execution.
  • Sales Enablement
    Develop a high-impact sales playbook and call scorecard to guide your team to success.
  • Psychology of Influence
    Understand and apply the psychological principles that drive decision-making in sales.
  • Discovery Process
    Master the art of uncovering customer needs to tailor your sales approach effectively.
  • World-Class Demos
    Deliver compelling product demos that resonate with your audience.
  • Sales Strategy
    Navigate the sales process with strategies to disrupt the status quo and effectively engage buyers.
  • Objection Handling
    Learn advanced techniques for overcoming objections and moving deals forward.
  • Closing Excellence
    Master negotiation and closing techniques to secure more deals.
  • Effective Communication
    Craft impactful copy for emails, sequences, and proposals that drive action.
  • Prospecting Success
    Elevate your cold calling and prospecting skills to generate more leads.
  • Innovative Outreach
    Utilize video prospecting to stand out and connect with potential clients.
  • Time Management for Sales
    Implement strategies to maximize productivity and efficiency in your sales efforts.
bonus material
  • Goal Setting
    Learn the exact goal setting playbook I use to get the most out of efforts. This goes beyond intentionality and into actual frameworks you can use to unlock your potential.
  • Pipeline Over Everything Masterclass
    You'll get access to the 3-part Pipeline masterclass so you can get a jump start on what matters most - PIPELINE!
  • Deal Management & Checklist
    Get the masterclass and template that allows you to evaluate every major deal the right way. This is the key to your forecast and goal attainment.
  • Time Management
    Check out the 2-hour solution time management module to get even more time back in your calendar.

Here's what you'll get after getting your membership:

  • Create a better team environment that encourages people to thrive, learn and grow

  • Earn more $ by getting your team to hit their targets consistsently, every single quarter

  • Build systems that get you promoted faster

  • Understand where to focus your efforts so you can priortize the right activity

  • Regain control of your time so you can breathe again

Get Your Membership

How does the membership work?

Each month you'll get access to monthly credit(s) that you can use to redeem over 50+ hours of sales leadership and sales mastery on-demand content with. You'll also get access to group coaching and monthly expert calls depending on the plan you sign up for. Check out the full list of on-demand content here.

It's important to note the MONTHLY CREDIT SYSTEM.

The reason we did this was so you could learn at a proper pace and master modules instead of "drinking from a fire hose".

  • Get direct access to me (this is worth 6-figures + alone)

  • Get Access to Monthly Experts that will help you in other areas of Leadership and sales mastery

  • Get Access to our private community chat and events

  • Get Access to Leadership Modules, Sales Modules and Bonus Materials

  • Pay monthly and cancel whenever you feel like it. You're in control.

  • Learn the systems that helped me build multiple $100MM+ ARR sales orgs

Membership Levels

The SLA is available to you at 3 different price points. This way you choose the best option for YOU. The Gold and Platinum options are month-to-month. Our Black Hats Tier is annual and gives you
exclusive bonuses + more face time with me.


  • Access to KD

  • Monthly Credit to Redeem against 40 Hours+ of Sales Leadership + Individual Sales Modules

  • The $1B BIPSY Methodology Module already unlocked!

  • Access to the Private SLA Community

  • BONUS - Monthly Group Coaching Call

  • BONUS - Monthly Group Expert Training Call

  • BONUS - TEMPLATES included with each applicable module

Limited offer(prices will increase every 25 members)

$149per month


  • 2 Credits per month to redeem vs 1

  • BONUS - Psychology of Sales Bonus Module Pre-Unlocked

  • BONUS - Pipeline Over Everything Masterclass Module Pre-Unlocked

  • Access to KD

  • Access to 50+ Hours of Sales Leadership + Individual Sales Modules

  • Monthly Group Coaching Calls

  • Monthly Group Expert Calls

  • Templates Included with Each applicable Module

  • Access to the Private SLA Community

$175per month

The Black Hats

  • Term 12 Months (Annual)

  • Everything in Gold + Platinum

  • Unlock all Modules Upfront vs monthly redemption model

  • BONUS - Quarterly Black Hats call with KD

  • BONUS - Access to all NEW Content Automatically

  • BONUS - Limited Edition KD Branded Black Hat

$2499per year

Membership Curriculum


Sales Leadership Modules

The $1B Sales Leadership Methodology

Learn how to Scale Good + Regain Control


  • Part I - Introduction (08:30)

  • Part II - The What (10:49)

  • Part III - The How (09:49)

Metrics and Issue Diagnosis

Where to FOCUS your time and efforts


  • Metrics - Part I - Intro (07:12)

  • Metrics Part 2 - Key Sales Leadership Metrics (23:03)

  • Metrics Part 3 - Quotas (05:23)

  • Metrics Part 4 - Metric Calculator (09:14)

  • Issue Diagnosis - Part 1 - Checklist (13:06)

  • Issue Diagnosis - Part 2 - The Prescription (10:16)

  • Issue Diagnosis - Part 3 - Rep Accountability (08:54)

Hiring and Interviewing

Learn to Hire right the first time


  • Part 1 - Introduction (16:05)

  • Part 2 - Interviewing (17:47)

  • Part 3 - Hiring Scorecard (06:16)

  • Part 4 - Offers and References (08:22)

World Class Coaching

Coach effectively so you don't lose good talent


  • Part 1 - Introduction (12:16)

  • Part 2 - Coaching Framework (07:16)

  • Part 3 - Practice Like a Pro (16:26)

  • Part 4 - Coaching Culture (05:21)

Culture Building and Motivation

Building standards and values defines your sales org/team


How to Build a Sales Playbook

Specific ways to build the perfect sales playbook


  • Part 1 - Intro (06:39)

  • Part 2 - People (06:24)

  • Part 3 - Prospect (07:58)

  • Part 4 - Problem (04:03)

  • Part 5 - Process (05:02)

  • Part 6 - Product (09:31)

How to Build a Call Scorecard

Capture the RIGHT behaviors so you're not leaving $ on the table


  • Part 1 - Intro (06:57)

  • Part 2 - How to Use & Build (08:38)

  • Part 3 - Prospecting Card (08:38)

  • Part 4 - Closing Card (06:49)

  • Part 5 - Practice (03:24)

Lessons in Leadership

Lead your teams instead of Managing them


  • Part 1 - Intro (07:44)

  • Part 2 - Leading vs Managing (12:33)

  • Part 3 - Leadership Tactics (10:23)

  • Part 4 - Getting more out of your people (16:05)

How to Run Impactful 1:1s

Intentional 1:1s > Checking In every week


  • Part 1 - Intro (06:34)

  • Part 2 - Types and Cadence (07:58)

  • Part 3 - Topics to Cover (11:49)

  • Part 4 - Structure and Prep (10:06)

Tough Conversations and Radical Candor

Hard conversations that make life easier for you and your teams


  • Part 1 - Intro (08:39)

  • Part 2 - The Framework (10:49)

  • Part 3 - Tough Reps (10:48)

  • Part 4 - PIPs and Terminations (13:01)

  • Part 5 - Radical Candor (07:58)

First Lead Thy Self

Live better. Sell Better.


Onboarding and Ramp

Speed to sale - getting your reps ready faster


  • Part 1 - Intro (08:02)

  • Part 2 - Science of Learning (09:59)

  • Part 3 - Tribal Training (09:59)

  • Part 4 - Ramping (09:59)

Executive Presence and Managing Up

Stay in control of your career and team


  • Executive Presence and Managing Up - Part 1 (17:30)


BONUS - Goal Setting (34:12 Minutes)


  • Goal Setting Process Plus Workbook (34:12)


BONUS - Deal Management (37:00 Minutes)


  • Part 1 - Intro (07:05)

  • Part 2 - Buying Process and Methodologies (08:51)

  • Part 3 - Forecasting (06:32)

  • Part 4 - Deal Management Checklist (06:04)

  • Part 5 - Deal Management (08:28)


BONUS- They Psychology of Persuasion and Influence (59:33 Minutes)


  • Psychology of Persuasion - Part 1 (05:50)

  • Laws of Influence- Part 2 (14:05)

  • Methods of Persuasion - Part 3 (18:34)

  • Language and Social Triggers - Part 4 (21:04)


BONUS - Time Management - Two Hour Solution (36:29 Minutes)


  • Two Hour Solution (36:29)


Sales Modules


Mindset and Execution


  • Intro to Mindset & Execution

  • The Kaizen Way

  • Standards vs Expectations

  • Mindset of Greatness


Laws of Psycology and Influence


  • The Science of Psychology and Influence

  • The Laws of Influence

  • Methods of Persuasion

  • Make them Feel


Buyer Persona - Buyers Matrix - Think Like a buyer


  • Think Like a Buyer & The Buyer's Matrix

  • Customer Interviews and how to Harness this Knowledge

  • Buyer Psychology - How Do Buyer's Buy?


Discovery and Power Questions


  • Problem Based Discovery

  • Gap Questions + Curiosity Openers

  • Unsettling The Status Quo


Run a World Class Demo


  • Intro to Running a World Class Demo

  • The Art of Looping & Connecting the Dots

  • Core 4 + Emotional Triggers


Unsell the Status Quo and Jolt



Pricing and Closing


  • Becoming a World Class Closer

  • Building The Proof

  • Preparation to Avoid Stalled Deals


Champion Selling and Multi threading


  • Champion Selling and Coaching Your Champion

  • Navigating the End of a Call


Follow Up and Proposals (17:17 Minutes)


  • Follow Up Fundamentals so you don't get Ghosted

  • Persuasive Proposals that Close Deals


Objection Handling


  • Introduction to Objection Handling

  • The "8 Mile and Double AA Methods"

  • Situational Objections & How to Solve Them

  • Building Case Studies & Stories that are Objection Proof


Deal Management and Sales Process


  • Intro To Deal Management Process

  • The Buying Process & What to Look For

  • Forecasting with Accuracy

  • Management Checklist



Hit The Ground Running

Tactics beat fluff all day


  • 1:1s templates

  • Issue Diagnosis Checklist

  • BIPSY Template

  • Coaching Plans Template

  • TIWYK - Skill Breakdown & Practice

  • Interview and Hiring Guide

  • Call Scorecards

  • Metric Calculator

  • Daily planner journal

  • Org Transformation Checklist

  • Manager Training and Standards of Excellence

  • Weekly 1:1 Coaching Digest

Book Your Plan Below


Please email if you have more questions about the membership and how it works.

1. Who is this program for?

This program is designed for leaders and managers who are committed to improving their sales leadership skills and driving better results for their teams. It's for those who are hungry for growth and looking for a proven system to achieve it. If you are open to new ideas, ready to invest in yourself and your team, and aspire to become a world-class VP/CRO, this program is tailored for you.

2. What will I gain from this program?

By participating in this program, you will acquire valuable skills and knowledge in sales leadership, including the BIPSY Leadership Methodology, world-class coaching techniques, effective 1:1 management, onboarding strategies, recruitment and interviewing best practices, culture-building, accountability, metric-based leadership, issue diagnosis, deal management, forecasting, and much more. You'll also learn stress management, time management, and prioritization techniques to help you lead better and live better.

This is the same system I used to build 3 x $100MM ARR orgs, 2 of which are unicorns ($1B+ valuation) and build multiple 100+ sales rep orgs.

3. How long is the program, and what does it include?

The program is month to month or annual depending on the plan you choose. You will receive a fixed number of monthly credits that you can use to redeem towards on-demand content of your choosing. This model allows you to take in content at the right pace, and keep you engaged with the material so you can get results faster. The membership has Sales Leadership content, Sales Skill/Mastery content and constant Bonus content that will be available for redemption every month.

4. Is this program suitable for beginners in sales leadership?

This program is suitable for individuals at all levels of experience. Whether you're new to sales leadership or looking to elevate your existing skills, the content is designed to benefit all participants. The comprehensive training modules cater to both novice and experienced leaders.

5. Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied with the membership?

We offer a 7-day full refund membership so you can go in and get a taste of what's available and how it all works.

6. Is this program available globally?

Yes, this program is available to participants from around the world. As it is delivered online, you can access the content and participate in coaching sessions from anywhere with an internet connection.

7. Can I access the program content at my own pace, or is it time-bound?

You can access the program content at your own pace. The program is designed to accommodate your schedule, allowing you to review materials, attend coaching calls (or the recordings), and engage with the community at your convenience.

8. What makes your program different from others?

Our program is led by Kevin Dorsey, also known as KD, who is not just a consultant but an active sales leader with a track record of substantial success. He has built two unicorns and is currently working on his third, in addition to having built four 100+ rep sales organizations. What sets us apart is that KD is actively leading teams in today's dynamic sales environment, continually testing, tweaking, learning, and executing strategies that work in real-time. Our program draws from this wealth of real-life, up-to-date experience, rather than relying on what worked a decade ago.

Moreover, our program differentiates itself by focusing on leadership-level skill development and reinforcement. Many leadership teams receive little to no training, and this lack of development can hinder the effectiveness of sales training for reps. We offer a comprehensive program that addresses both leadership and individual contributor skill development, ensuring that the training sticks and drives tangible results.

9. Who have you worked with in the past, and do you have any testimonials?

Take a look at the testimonials section above. I have coached thousands of reps from some of the biggest companies in the world with this material.

10. How do I enroll in the program?

To enroll in the program, simply visit the plans section above  and follow the registration process. Once you complete your payment, you'll gain immediate access to the program materials and start your journey towards becoming a more effective sales leader.

11. How can I get more information or ask questions about the program before enrolling?

Feel free to reach out to our head of partnerships, Aneesh - with any questions.

12. What all do I need to know about the Monthly Credit Program?

The Gold and Platinum tiers give you either 1 or 2 monthly credits that you can redeem for modules of your choice.

Let's say you sign up for the Gold Program. You will now get 1 monthly credit that you can use towards a module.

Once you're in our community platform (Skool) - you'll have the ability to submit a form that uses a credit every month.

Credits roll over and are active as long as you're a member.

Cancelling your membership relinquishes all course materials and you lose access to anything you've redeemed before.

You cannot buy extra credits - the only way to unlock all course materials upfront is by signing up for The Black Hats Tier.

Please email with any questions on this program. We want to make sure you are aware of how everything works before you sign up.

Stop leaving your career to chance. Brute forceand “the grind” can only go so far.

The $1B Sales Leadership Methodology

This training is for you  if you say yes to:

  • You feel stuck and don’t know how to lead

  • Your revenue # is volatile and unpredictable

  • You’re not living up to your leadershippotential

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Stop leaving your career to chance. Brute forceand “the grind” can only go so far.

The $1B Sales Leadership Methodology

This training is for you  if you say yes to:

  • You feel stuck and don’t know how to lead

  • Your revenue # is volatile and unpredictable

  • You’re not living up to your leadershippotential

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